Saturday, March 8, 2008

In the beginning...

The veil of time lifted and I saw a shimmering light. I found myself in a place of utter silence and peace, yet all around chaos erupted in fits of violent anger and invisible discharge. At the center of the light was a presence beyond understanding, unaffected by the violent turmoil excerted by the surrounding chaos.  It uttered in a sweet soft whisper, "Let is begin..."  Chaos shuddered as I felt a compressing and a sudden explosion of energy and light.  Time itself was born along with the universe that as we know it.

I felt a sudden lurch and I was suddenly flung forward in time only to witness a devastation beyond compare.  Humans and changelings tore each other apart. Cities crumbled, forests burned, and deluges of water poured onto the land drowning thousands of innocent beings. I stood surrounded by giant storms with roiling black clouds and deafening thunder, all engendered by magic. The world seemed like it would end, but again in the center I felt the presence I had felt earlier.  This time it spoke, but it was not a whisper.  A booming voice louder than a thousand hurricanes shouted, "ENOUGH!"

And the world stood still...

In complete awe I stood petrified, but a curiosity came over me like an itch you can't help but scratch.  I asked, "Who are you?"  The voice replied in a gentle tone, "I am Aga, and I did this for you because I love you..."

Extract from the Book of Argil.

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